Cigarette smell can be a big turn-off for home buyers. The smell is strong and can linger for a long time. The problem with cigarette smoke is that it contains tar and other small particles that collect on the surfaces of your home. This means that simply “airing out” the property will not be enough to remove the smell.

Removing cigarette smell in a house requires a deep cleaning and, in extreme cases, replacing drywall, carpet, and air conditioning ducts. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 tips for removing cigarette smell in a house.

Tip #1 – Wash every hard surface in the home.

Removing cigarette smell in a house requires washing every hard surface in the home. This includes the walls & ceilings, floors, windows, etc. You can wash these hard surfaces using vinegar, mild soaps, or other appropriate cleaning solutions. Remember to also clean inside cabinets, drawers, and closets. Washing the surfaces in your home not only removes the cigarette smell but also removes the yellow tint left behind by cigarette smoke.

Tip #2 – Clean or replace carpets.

Carpets can trap a lot of odors. Consider professionally cleaning or replacing the carpets in the home to remove the cigarette smell. Professional carpet cleaners use special deodorizers to remove smells without masking them.

Tip #3 – Place deodorizers throughout the home.

Deodorizers are chemicals that help neutralize smells. Placing some of the following deodorizers in small containers throughout your home can absorb cigarette odors.

  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Activated charcoal
  • Coffee (Beans or grounds)

Tip #4 – Repaint walls to trap odors.

Repainting walls can help trap odors behind the paint. This should only be done after all the walls have been cleaned and most of the cigarette residue has been removed. If the walls are not cleaned first, it is still possible for the cigarette smell to permeate through the paint.

Tip #5 – Install an ozone generator.

An ozone generator is a machine that produces ozone. Ozone is a gas that is used to neutralize smells in commercial and residential settings. These machines can often be rented at reasonable rates. Breathing in ozone gas can harmful for humans so the property must be completely vacant during treatment. Treatment usually lasts 2-3 days depending on the severity of the problem. After treatment, the property must remain vacant for another 2-3 hours to allow the ozone gas to dissipate.



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