As part of our #DoGood campaign, we are planting one tree on behalf of every client in 2020. Trees offer many benefits to our communities and are an essential part of our fight against climate change.

Why do we need more trees?

Trees are essential for life. They serve as habitats for animals, provide shade, and even improve our moods. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen which is extremely important in our fight against climate change.

Over the years, record amounts of fossil fuel emissions have released dangerous gases that trap heat in our atmosphere. These gases, known as greenhouse gases, allow heat to enter the planet but block heat from escaping into space. As a result, our entire planet is getting increasingly hotter.

Higher global temperatures will have devastating effects on ecosystems and humans. In fact, we are already seeing some of the negative effects of climate change today.

By planting trees, we hope to our small part in solving this huge problem but more importantly inspire others to take action.

Where will the trees be planted?

A portion of the trees will be planted in our local communities and rest will come in the form of donations to different tree planting organizations. These organizations, like the Arbor Day Foundation, plant trees throughout the world in areas that need it most.



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